makeup for blue eyes

The tone and intensity of color is as important as the same color. If you have fair coloring and light blue eyes, and you need to stick with lighter colors and darker colors more intense, or overcome your eyes, will look that up too. If you have a darker coloring and dark blue eyes can get away with more intense shades of eye shadow, eye liner and mascara.
While there is no one color eye makeup, which is best for blue eyes, and there are several colors of eye makeup that will show off the baby blues.
If you just so that you have eye lashes, blonde or very light, and you're likely to be better off to stick with brown mascara and eyeliner, and black will be too overwhelming. If you are a dark eyelashes, of course you can wear black eye liner and mascara - always follow the lead of Mother Nature!
Dark blue (think marine) and intoxicating as a good alternative to black, and not only gives a softer look a little bit, it can emphasize the fact that the color of your eyes.


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